Module fplpandas

Expand source code
import aiohttp
import pandas as pd
from typing import List
import asyncio
import backoff
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

from fpl.constants import API_URLS
from fpl.models.fixture import Fixture
from fpl.utils import fetch, logged_in
from fpl import FPL

# noinspection PyTypeChecker
class FPLPandas:
    This class is a wrapper for the FPL library: It converts the JSON output to pandas data frames.
    It also provides a synchronous layer over the asynchronous library in order to reduce the requirements for Jupyter kernel. Otherwise iPython >= 7.0
    and ipykernel >= 5.0.1  (see are required.

    def __init__(self, email: str = None, password: str = None, fpl: FPL = None):
        Create a new instance of this class and initiates a thread for async execution.

            email: The email address used to log in to the FPL web site. Only required for protected info such as user team.
            password: The password used to log in to the FPL web site. Only required for protected info such as user team.
            fpl: The FPL instance to use. This particular useful for injecting a mock instance for automated testing.
            If not set, an FPL instance will be created.
        self.set_cred(email, password)
        self.__fpl = fpl
        self.__aio_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(1)
        self.__aio_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
        self.__aio_pool.submit(asyncio.set_event_loop, self.__aio_loop).result()

    def __del__(self):
        if not self.__aio_loop is None:

    async def __call_api_async(self, func, requires_login: bool = False) -> dict:
        """ Calls the given FPL API function asynchronously.

            func: The API function to execute.
            requires_login: Whether the call requires authentication.

            The Future of the passed function.
        if requires_login and self.__email is None:
            raise ValueError("Email not provided. For functions that require login, the email address is mandatory. Please set the email address in the constructor. ")

        if requires_login and self.__password is None:
            raise ValueError("Password not provided. For functions that require login, the password is mandatory. Please set the password in the constructor.")

        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            fpl = FPL(session) if self.__fpl is None else self.__fpl

            if requires_login:
                await fpl.login(self.__email, self.__password)

            return await func(fpl)

    def __call_api(self, func, requires_login: bool = False) -> dict:
        """ Calls the given FPL API function synchronously.

            func: The API function to execute.

            The result of the passed function.
        return self.__aio_pool.submit(self.__aio_loop.run_until_complete, self.__call_api_async(func, requires_login)).result()

    def __get_user_id(self) -> int:
        Gets the ID of the currently logged in user. If it has not been cached yet, it retrieves it and stores it for the lifetime of this object. This method requires that a valid email and password are set using the constructor.

            The user ID.
        if self.__user_id is None:
            self.__user_id = self.get_user_info().iloc[0]['entry']

        return self.__user_id

    def set_cred(self, email: str, password: str) -> None:
        """ Sets the credentials to use when accessing user specific data. This method does not trigger a login call.
            email: The email address used to log in to the FPL web site. Only required for protected info such as user team.
            password: The password used to log in to the FPL web site. Only required for protected info such as user team.
        self.__email = email
        self.__password = password
        self.__user_id = None

    def get_teams(self, team_ids: List[int] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Returns either a list of *all* teams, or a list of teams with IDs in
        the optional ``team_ids`` list.

        Information is taken from:

            team_ids: (optional) List containing the IDs of teams. If not set a list of *all* teams will be returned.
            The teams as a pandas data frame.
        json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_teams(team_ids, return_json=True))
        return pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data, index=['id'])

    def get_game_weeks(self, game_week_ids: List[int] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Returns either a list of *all* game weeks, or a list of game weeks with IDs in
        the optional ``game_week_ids`` list.

        Information is taken from:

            game_week_ids: (optional) List containing the IDs of game weeks. If not set a list of *all* game weeks will be returned.
            The game weeks as a pandas data frame.
        json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_gameweeks(game_week_ids, return_json=True))
        return pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data, index=['id'])

    def get_player(self, player_id: int) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
        """Returns the player with the given ``player_id`` as a data frame and his associated data.

        Information is taken from:

            player_id: A player's ID.
            1: The player data as a pandas data frame with one row indexed by ``player_id``.
            2: The summary stats for the past seasons s a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``season_name``.
            3: The stats for the completed games as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``fixture``. At the beginning of the season this data frame is empty.
            4: The data for the upcoming fixtures as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``event``. At the end of the season this data frame is empty.
            ValueError: Player with ``player_id`` not found

        def convert_player_df(json_data: dict, player_id: int, element: str, index: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
            player_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data[element])
            player_df['player_id'] = player_id

            return player_df.pipe(_set_index_safe, ['player_id', index])

        json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_player(player_id, players=None, include_summary=True, return_json=True))
        return [pd.DataFrame.from_records([json_data], index=['id']).rename(index={'id': 'player_id'}),
                convert_player_df(json_data, player_id, 'history_past', 'season_name'),
                convert_player_df(json_data, player_id, 'history', 'fixture'),
                convert_player_df(json_data, player_id, 'fixtures', 'event')]

    def get_players(self, player_ids: List[int] = None) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
        """Returns either a list of *all' players, or a list of players whose
        IDs are in the given ``player_ids`` list as a data frame indexed by  indexed by ``player_id`` and their associated data.

        Information is taken from:

            player_ids: (optional) A list of player IDs
            if ``True``.
            1: The team players as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``.
            2: The summary stats for the past seasons s a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``season_name``.
            3: The stats for the completed games as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``fixture``. At the beginning of the season this data frame is empty.
            4: The data for the upcoming fixtures as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``event``. At the end of the season this data frame is empty.

        def convert_players_df(json_data: dict, element: str, index: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
            players_df = pd.DataFrame()
            for player in json_data:
                player_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(player[element])
                player_df['player_id'] = player['id']
                players_df = pd.concat([players_df, player_df], sort=False)

            return players_df.pipe(_set_index_safe, ['player_id', index])

        full_json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_players(player_ids, include_summary=True, return_json=True))

        return [pd.DataFrame.from_records(full_json_data, index=['id'], exclude=['history_past', 'history', 'fixtures']).rename(index={'id': 'player_id'}),
                convert_players_df(full_json_data, 'history_past', 'season_name'),
                convert_players_df(full_json_data, 'history', 'fixture'),
                convert_players_df(full_json_data, 'fixtures', 'event')]

    def get_fixtures(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Returns a list of *all* fixtures as data frame.

        Information is taken from e.g.:

            All fixtures of the season as a pandas data frame.
        json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_fixtures(return_json=True))
        return pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data, index=['id'])

    def get_user_team(self, user_id: int = None) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
        """ Returns information about the players in the current team, the chips and transfer info of the user with
        the given user ID. This method requires that a valid email and password are set using the constructor.

            user_id: The user ID for which to get the team information. If not provided, it defaults to the user ID of the currently authenticated user.

            The team, chips, transfer info as a pandas data frame.

        async def get_user_team_async(fpl: FPL, user_id: int = None):
            return await fpl.get_user_team(user_id)

        if user_id is None:
            user_id = self.__get_user_id()

        json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: get_user_team_async(fpl, user_id), requires_login=True)
        return [pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data['picks'], index=['element']).rename(index={'element': 'player_id'}),

    def get_user_info(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """ Returns information about the currently authenticated user. This method requires that a valid email and password are set using the constructor.

            The user info in a pandas data frame.
        json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_user_info(), requires_login=True)
        self.__user_id = json_data['player']['entry']
        return pd.DataFrame.from_records([json_data['player']])

# Extension methods for FPL. These are necessary because FPL does not expose all available data.
async def __fpl_get_user_team(self, user_id: str) -> dict:
    """Gets current team, the chips and the transfer info of the logged in user. Requires the user to have
    logged in using ``fpl.login()``.

    Information is taken from:

        user_id: The user ID for which to get the team information. If not provided, it defaults to the user ID of currently authenticated user.

        Current team, the chips and the transfer info as data frames.
    if not logged_in(self.session):
        raise Exception("User must be logged in.")

    response = await fetch(
        self.session, API_URLS["user_team"].format(user_id))

    if response == {"details": "You cannot view this entry"}:
        raise ValueError("User ID does not match provided email address!")

    return response

async def __fpl_get_user_info(self) -> dict:
    if not logged_in(self.session):
        raise Exception("User must be logged in.")

    response = await fetch(
        self.session, API_URLS["me"])

    if response == {"details": "You cannot view this entry"}:
        raise ValueError("User ID does not match provided email address!")

    return response

# Helper methods
def _set_index_safe(df: pd.DataFrame, index_columns: list) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Sets the given columns as the index but only if the given data frame is not empty or None.

         df: Data frame to index
         index_columns: Index columns to set

        Index data frame is not empty otherwise it returns the original data frame.
    # if df is None or df.shape[0] == 0:
    #    return df

    cols = list(df.columns.values)
    return (df
            .reindex(columns=(cols + [col for col in index_columns if col not in cols]))

# Overriding fpl method for now because it does not return fixtures without game weeks.
async def __fpl_get_fixtures(self, return_json=False):
    """Returns a list of *all* fixtures.

    Information is taken from e.g.:

    :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a list of
        ``dict``s, if ``False`` returns a list of  :class:`Fixture`
        objects. Defaults to ``False``.
    :type return_json: bool
    :rtype: list
    fixtures = await fetch(self.session, API_URLS["fixtures"])

    if return_json:
        return fixtures

    return [Fixture(fixture) for fixture in fixtures]

@backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, aiohttp.ClientResponseError, max_tries=8, giveup=lambda e: e.status != 429)
async def __get_player(self, player_id, players=None, include_summary=False,
    """Returns the player with the given ``player_id``.

    Information is taken from e.g.: (optional)

    :param player_id: A player's ID.
    :type player_id: string or int
    :param list players: (optional) A list of players.
    :param bool include_summary: (optional) Includes a player's summary
        if ``True``.
    :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a ``dict``,
        if ``False`` returns a :class:`Player` object. Defaults to
    :rtype: :class:`Player` or ``dict``
    :raises ValueError: Player with ``player_id`` not found
    if not players:
        players = getattr(self, "elements")

        player = next(player for player in players.values()
                      if player["id"] == player_id)
    except StopIteration:
        raise ValueError(f"Player with ID {player_id} not found")

    if include_summary:
        player_summary = await self.get_player_summary(
            player["id"], return_json=True)

    if return_json:
        return player

    return FPL.Player(player, self.session)

FPL.get_user_team = __fpl_get_user_team
FPL.get_user_info = __fpl_get_user_info
FPL.get_fixtures = __fpl_get_fixtures
FPL.get_player = __get_player


class FPLPandas (email=None, password=None, fpl=None)

This class is a wrapper for the FPL library: It converts the JSON output to pandas data frames. It also provides a synchronous layer over the asynchronous library in order to reduce the requirements for Jupyter kernel. Otherwise iPython >= 7.0 (see and ipykernel >= 5.0.1 (see are required.

Create a new instance of this class and initiates a thread for async execution.


The email address used to log in to the FPL web site. Only required for protected info such as user team.
The password used to log in to the FPL web site. Only required for protected info such as user team.
The FPL instance to use. This particular useful for injecting a mock instance for automated testing.

If not set, an FPL instance will be created.

Expand source code
class FPLPandas:
    This class is a wrapper for the FPL library: It converts the JSON output to pandas data frames.
    It also provides a synchronous layer over the asynchronous library in order to reduce the requirements for Jupyter kernel. Otherwise iPython >= 7.0
    and ipykernel >= 5.0.1  (see are required.

    def __init__(self, email: str = None, password: str = None, fpl: FPL = None):
        Create a new instance of this class and initiates a thread for async execution.

            email: The email address used to log in to the FPL web site. Only required for protected info such as user team.
            password: The password used to log in to the FPL web site. Only required for protected info such as user team.
            fpl: The FPL instance to use. This particular useful for injecting a mock instance for automated testing.
            If not set, an FPL instance will be created.
        self.set_cred(email, password)
        self.__fpl = fpl
        self.__aio_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(1)
        self.__aio_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
        self.__aio_pool.submit(asyncio.set_event_loop, self.__aio_loop).result()

    def __del__(self):
        if not self.__aio_loop is None:

    async def __call_api_async(self, func, requires_login: bool = False) -> dict:
        """ Calls the given FPL API function asynchronously.

            func: The API function to execute.
            requires_login: Whether the call requires authentication.

            The Future of the passed function.
        if requires_login and self.__email is None:
            raise ValueError("Email not provided. For functions that require login, the email address is mandatory. Please set the email address in the constructor. ")

        if requires_login and self.__password is None:
            raise ValueError("Password not provided. For functions that require login, the password is mandatory. Please set the password in the constructor.")

        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            fpl = FPL(session) if self.__fpl is None else self.__fpl

            if requires_login:
                await fpl.login(self.__email, self.__password)

            return await func(fpl)

    def __call_api(self, func, requires_login: bool = False) -> dict:
        """ Calls the given FPL API function synchronously.

            func: The API function to execute.

            The result of the passed function.
        return self.__aio_pool.submit(self.__aio_loop.run_until_complete, self.__call_api_async(func, requires_login)).result()

    def __get_user_id(self) -> int:
        Gets the ID of the currently logged in user. If it has not been cached yet, it retrieves it and stores it for the lifetime of this object. This method requires that a valid email and password are set using the constructor.

            The user ID.
        if self.__user_id is None:
            self.__user_id = self.get_user_info().iloc[0]['entry']

        return self.__user_id

    def set_cred(self, email: str, password: str) -> None:
        """ Sets the credentials to use when accessing user specific data. This method does not trigger a login call.
            email: The email address used to log in to the FPL web site. Only required for protected info such as user team.
            password: The password used to log in to the FPL web site. Only required for protected info such as user team.
        self.__email = email
        self.__password = password
        self.__user_id = None

    def get_teams(self, team_ids: List[int] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Returns either a list of *all* teams, or a list of teams with IDs in
        the optional ``team_ids`` list.

        Information is taken from:

            team_ids: (optional) List containing the IDs of teams. If not set a list of *all* teams will be returned.
            The teams as a pandas data frame.
        json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_teams(team_ids, return_json=True))
        return pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data, index=['id'])

    def get_game_weeks(self, game_week_ids: List[int] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Returns either a list of *all* game weeks, or a list of game weeks with IDs in
        the optional ``game_week_ids`` list.

        Information is taken from:

            game_week_ids: (optional) List containing the IDs of game weeks. If not set a list of *all* game weeks will be returned.
            The game weeks as a pandas data frame.
        json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_gameweeks(game_week_ids, return_json=True))
        return pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data, index=['id'])

    def get_player(self, player_id: int) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
        """Returns the player with the given ``player_id`` as a data frame and his associated data.

        Information is taken from:

            player_id: A player's ID.
            1: The player data as a pandas data frame with one row indexed by ``player_id``.
            2: The summary stats for the past seasons s a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``season_name``.
            3: The stats for the completed games as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``fixture``. At the beginning of the season this data frame is empty.
            4: The data for the upcoming fixtures as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``event``. At the end of the season this data frame is empty.
            ValueError: Player with ``player_id`` not found

        def convert_player_df(json_data: dict, player_id: int, element: str, index: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
            player_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data[element])
            player_df['player_id'] = player_id

            return player_df.pipe(_set_index_safe, ['player_id', index])

        json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_player(player_id, players=None, include_summary=True, return_json=True))
        return [pd.DataFrame.from_records([json_data], index=['id']).rename(index={'id': 'player_id'}),
                convert_player_df(json_data, player_id, 'history_past', 'season_name'),
                convert_player_df(json_data, player_id, 'history', 'fixture'),
                convert_player_df(json_data, player_id, 'fixtures', 'event')]

    def get_players(self, player_ids: List[int] = None) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
        """Returns either a list of *all' players, or a list of players whose
        IDs are in the given ``player_ids`` list as a data frame indexed by  indexed by ``player_id`` and their associated data.

        Information is taken from:

            player_ids: (optional) A list of player IDs
            if ``True``.
            1: The team players as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``.
            2: The summary stats for the past seasons s a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``season_name``.
            3: The stats for the completed games as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``fixture``. At the beginning of the season this data frame is empty.
            4: The data for the upcoming fixtures as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``event``. At the end of the season this data frame is empty.

        def convert_players_df(json_data: dict, element: str, index: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
            players_df = pd.DataFrame()
            for player in json_data:
                player_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(player[element])
                player_df['player_id'] = player['id']
                players_df = pd.concat([players_df, player_df], sort=False)

            return players_df.pipe(_set_index_safe, ['player_id', index])

        full_json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_players(player_ids, include_summary=True, return_json=True))

        return [pd.DataFrame.from_records(full_json_data, index=['id'], exclude=['history_past', 'history', 'fixtures']).rename(index={'id': 'player_id'}),
                convert_players_df(full_json_data, 'history_past', 'season_name'),
                convert_players_df(full_json_data, 'history', 'fixture'),
                convert_players_df(full_json_data, 'fixtures', 'event')]

    def get_fixtures(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Returns a list of *all* fixtures as data frame.

        Information is taken from e.g.:

            All fixtures of the season as a pandas data frame.
        json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_fixtures(return_json=True))
        return pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data, index=['id'])

    def get_user_team(self, user_id: int = None) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
        """ Returns information about the players in the current team, the chips and transfer info of the user with
        the given user ID. This method requires that a valid email and password are set using the constructor.

            user_id: The user ID for which to get the team information. If not provided, it defaults to the user ID of the currently authenticated user.

            The team, chips, transfer info as a pandas data frame.

        async def get_user_team_async(fpl: FPL, user_id: int = None):
            return await fpl.get_user_team(user_id)

        if user_id is None:
            user_id = self.__get_user_id()

        json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: get_user_team_async(fpl, user_id), requires_login=True)
        return [pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data['picks'], index=['element']).rename(index={'element': 'player_id'}),

    def get_user_info(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """ Returns information about the currently authenticated user. This method requires that a valid email and password are set using the constructor.

            The user info in a pandas data frame.
        json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_user_info(), requires_login=True)
        self.__user_id = json_data['player']['entry']
        return pd.DataFrame.from_records([json_data['player']])


def get_fixtures(self)

Returns a list of all fixtures as data frame.

Information is taken from e.g.:


All fixtures of the season as a pandas data frame.

Expand source code
def get_fixtures(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Returns a list of *all* fixtures as data frame.

    Information is taken from e.g.:

        All fixtures of the season as a pandas data frame.
    json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_fixtures(return_json=True))
    return pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data, index=['id'])
def get_game_weeks(self, game_week_ids=None)

Returns either a list of all game weeks, or a list of game weeks with IDs in the optional game_week_ids list.

Information is taken from:


(optional) List containing the IDs of game weeks. If not set a list of all game weeks will be returned.


The game weeks as a pandas data frame.

Expand source code
def get_game_weeks(self, game_week_ids: List[int] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Returns either a list of *all* game weeks, or a list of game weeks with IDs in
    the optional ``game_week_ids`` list.

    Information is taken from:

        game_week_ids: (optional) List containing the IDs of game weeks. If not set a list of *all* game weeks will be returned.
        The game weeks as a pandas data frame.
    json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_gameweeks(game_week_ids, return_json=True))
    return pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data, index=['id'])
def get_player(self, player_id)

Returns the player with the given player_id as a data frame and his associated data.

Information is taken from: (optional)


A player's ID.


The player data as a pandas data frame with one row indexed by player_id.
The summary stats for the past seasons s a pandas data frame indexed by player_id, season_name.
The stats for the completed games as a pandas data frame indexed by player_id, fixture. At the beginning of the season this data frame is empty.
The data for the upcoming fixtures as a pandas data frame indexed by player_id, event. At the end of the season this data frame is empty.


Player with player_id not found
Expand source code
def get_player(self, player_id: int) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
    """Returns the player with the given ``player_id`` as a data frame and his associated data.

    Information is taken from: (optional)

        player_id: A player's ID.
        1: The player data as a pandas data frame with one row indexed by ``player_id``.
        2: The summary stats for the past seasons s a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``season_name``.
        3: The stats for the completed games as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``fixture``. At the beginning of the season this data frame is empty.
        4: The data for the upcoming fixtures as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``event``. At the end of the season this data frame is empty.
        ValueError: Player with ``player_id`` not found

    def convert_player_df(json_data: dict, player_id: int, element: str, index: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
        player_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data[element])
        player_df['player_id'] = player_id

        return player_df.pipe(_set_index_safe, ['player_id', index])

    json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_player(player_id, players=None, include_summary=True, return_json=True))
    return [pd.DataFrame.from_records([json_data], index=['id']).rename(index={'id': 'player_id'}),
            convert_player_df(json_data, player_id, 'history_past', 'season_name'),
            convert_player_df(json_data, player_id, 'history', 'fixture'),
            convert_player_df(json_data, player_id, 'fixtures', 'event')]
def get_players(self, player_ids=None)

Returns either a list of *all' players, or a list of players whose IDs are in the given player_ids list as a data frame indexed by indexed by player_id and their associated data.

Information is taken from:{player_id}/


(optional) A list of player IDs

if True.


The team players as a pandas data frame indexed by player_id.
The summary stats for the past seasons s a pandas data frame indexed by player_id, season_name.
The stats for the completed games as a pandas data frame indexed by player_id, fixture. At the beginning of the season this data frame is empty.
The data for the upcoming fixtures as a pandas data frame indexed by player_id, event. At the end of the season this data frame is empty.
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def get_players(self, player_ids: List[int] = None) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
    """Returns either a list of *all' players, or a list of players whose
    IDs are in the given ``player_ids`` list as a data frame indexed by  indexed by ``player_id`` and their associated data.

    Information is taken from:{player_id}/

        player_ids: (optional) A list of player IDs
        if ``True``.
        1: The team players as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``.
        2: The summary stats for the past seasons s a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``season_name``.
        3: The stats for the completed games as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``fixture``. At the beginning of the season this data frame is empty.
        4: The data for the upcoming fixtures as a pandas data frame indexed by ``player_id``, ``event``. At the end of the season this data frame is empty.

    def convert_players_df(json_data: dict, element: str, index: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
        players_df = pd.DataFrame()
        for player in json_data:
            player_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(player[element])
            player_df['player_id'] = player['id']
            players_df = pd.concat([players_df, player_df], sort=False)

        return players_df.pipe(_set_index_safe, ['player_id', index])

    full_json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_players(player_ids, include_summary=True, return_json=True))

    return [pd.DataFrame.from_records(full_json_data, index=['id'], exclude=['history_past', 'history', 'fixtures']).rename(index={'id': 'player_id'}),
            convert_players_df(full_json_data, 'history_past', 'season_name'),
            convert_players_df(full_json_data, 'history', 'fixture'),
            convert_players_df(full_json_data, 'fixtures', 'event')]
def get_teams(self, team_ids=None)

Returns either a list of all teams, or a list of teams with IDs in the optional team_ids list.

Information is taken from:


(optional) List containing the IDs of teams. If not set a list of all teams will be returned.


The teams as a pandas data frame.

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def get_teams(self, team_ids: List[int] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Returns either a list of *all* teams, or a list of teams with IDs in
    the optional ``team_ids`` list.

    Information is taken from:

        team_ids: (optional) List containing the IDs of teams. If not set a list of *all* teams will be returned.
        The teams as a pandas data frame.
    json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_teams(team_ids, return_json=True))
    return pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data, index=['id'])
def get_user_info(self)

Returns information about the currently authenticated user. This method requires that a valid email and password are set using the constructor.


The user info in a pandas data frame.

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def get_user_info(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """ Returns information about the currently authenticated user. This method requires that a valid email and password are set using the constructor.

        The user info in a pandas data frame.
    json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: fpl.get_user_info(), requires_login=True)
    self.__user_id = json_data['player']['entry']
    return pd.DataFrame.from_records([json_data['player']])
def get_user_team(self, user_id=None)

Returns information about the players in the current team, the chips and transfer info of the user with the given user ID. This method requires that a valid email and password are set using the constructor.


The user ID for which to get the team information. If not provided, it defaults to the user ID of the currently authenticated user.


The team, chips, transfer info as a pandas data frame.

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def get_user_team(self, user_id: int = None) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
    """ Returns information about the players in the current team, the chips and transfer info of the user with
    the given user ID. This method requires that a valid email and password are set using the constructor.

        user_id: The user ID for which to get the team information. If not provided, it defaults to the user ID of the currently authenticated user.

        The team, chips, transfer info as a pandas data frame.

    async def get_user_team_async(fpl: FPL, user_id: int = None):
        return await fpl.get_user_team(user_id)

    if user_id is None:
        user_id = self.__get_user_id()

    json_data = self.__call_api(lambda fpl: get_user_team_async(fpl, user_id), requires_login=True)
    return [pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data['picks'], index=['element']).rename(index={'element': 'player_id'}),
def set_cred(self, email, password)

Sets the credentials to use when accessing user specific data. This method does not trigger a login call.


The email address used to log in to the FPL web site. Only required for protected info such as user team.
The password used to log in to the FPL web site. Only required for protected info such as user team.
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def set_cred(self, email: str, password: str) -> None:
    """ Sets the credentials to use when accessing user specific data. This method does not trigger a login call.
        email: The email address used to log in to the FPL web site. Only required for protected info such as user team.
        password: The password used to log in to the FPL web site. Only required for protected info such as user team.
    self.__email = email
    self.__password = password
    self.__user_id = None